Our Favorite Shops and Signs this Month

Chairs for Hire Portable Church
Renting chairs is big business in Ghana.
They are usually delivered on heads of
young men in the villages, but trucks
are used in the city. They frequently
come with tent canopies for portable church.
Funerals, weddings and special church
meetings are all long sitting events.
You can also rent "foams," two inch thick
foam rubber pads, for guests to sleep on
the floor during multi-day funerals.

Drum Manufacturing Drum Manufacturing
We found a village where African drums
are manufactured by hand. The drum
body is kind of shaped like an hour glass.
The leather heads covering both ends are
laced together. The pitch can then be
changed as the drummer squeezes the laces
under his arm or between his knees.

Aids Sign Hydraulic System Repair
AIDS Prevention campaign is strong. Macho Truck Hydraulic Repair

In God We Trust Ultimate Rear Window Signs
The American phrase, "In God We Trust,"
is sincerely practiced in Ghana.
Elder Markham's ultimate rear window
philosophy: cell phone (hitech), Home
Boy, Esso Lubes, and the Good Shepard.

Blondes Catering Pig Farm Sign
These two signs offer Elder Markham
a target-rich environment. But is ...
humor at the expense of others really
funny? Reader's choice.

There are three runners-up this month

Hardware Shop
Home Depot beware--this place has everything,
from bellows to machetes.

Throat Lozenge
A local medicine lozenge made from Kakaduro (ginger),
Hwentea and Awerewa which are medicines used by
traditional healers (herbalists) to treat stomach pain.
They are from trees that grow in the Ghanaian forests.

The Best Fast Food Shop
Fast food for your next "outdooring" event.

And the winners are...
two competing margarine brands we found adjacent to each other.

Blue Band Margarine
Energy to Grow

Holsum Margarine
For Bigger Butter Bread
Not exactly the lower fat US trend!

A Special Achievement Award
For Jeanne, Waymon and others who have lived in Accra:
The Tetta Quarshie interchange is complete. The circle of doom is no more.

Tetta Quarshie Interchange
Tetta Quarshie was the man who introduced cocoa bean production to Ghana.
For this achievement, a large, confusing, overcrowded traffic circle bears his name.
Missionaries refer to it as squishy-squashy circle for obvious reason.
But now, a modern super highway, high speed interchange has been completed
after several years of construction that compounded the former traffic problems.
Of course, as the sign points out, slow speeds and caution are in order until
the drivers of Accra learn to deal with a rational approach for highway interchange.
Interestingly, no such caution signs existed on the old circle.

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